Daily Archives: May 29, 2014

Few problems don’t include an opportunity to get kids off the streets

To the Editor:

I would like to thank everyone for their feedback on my comments about the economic stimulus plan being implemented on Route 28.

Further, as I was cruising to Inlet on the South Shore Road the other day, I had a chance to consider a few of the recent articles about some of the problems the town is currently dealing with.   Continue reading

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Stefanik will be bi-partisan in Congress

To the Editor:

Elise Stefanik is the real deal. Elise’s Harvard papers shows her willingness to work in a bi-partisan manner. When former Democratic Governor Jeanne Shaheen, now the U.S. Senator from New Hampshire, was named to head the Institute of Politics, Stefanik was quoted, “I think it’s very helpful to attract new women to leadership positions. The problems we face are so serious that we need to work together.”

Elise’s family business in Willsboro is suffering greatly from Obamacare. Her fight to repeal Obamacare is personal. In my opinion it doesn’t get any better than that.

I urge your support in the June 24th Republican primary for Elise.

Thank you,

Bill Faro, Inlet, NY

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