Monthly Archives: October 2014

FCC ruling preserves state and local right to keep towers ‘invisible’

A coalition of New York environmental and historic preservation organizations is praising the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for preserving the rights of state and local governments to regulate the size, shape and visibility of communications towers in scenic and historic areas.

In January, the groups sent a joint letter to the FCC, urging federal officials to recognize that scenic beauty and historic significance are the backbone of local tourism, both inside and outside of the Adirondack Park.  Continue reading

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Forestport Town Board shying away from tough questions

To the Editor:

At the October 15, 2014 board Meeting I asked some tough questions that pertain to whether or not Supervisor Parker Snead and Joann Kwasniewski/Ritter violated Town law. As you may recall from a previous letter, the only two Board Members that knew anything about a prepayment to Ritter Lawn Care were Parker and Joann.  Continue reading

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