Forestport Town Board shying away from tough questions

To the Editor:

At the October 15, 2014 board Meeting I asked some tough questions that pertain to whether or not Supervisor Parker Snead and Joann Kwasniewski/Ritter violated Town law. As you may recall from a previous letter, the only two Board Members that knew anything about a prepayment to Ritter Lawn Care were Parker and Joann. 

When I polled the other members: Ron Scouten; Charles Scott; and Nancy Kardash, they said they knew nothing of the unauthorized payment to Ritter Lawn Care. I also asked if Parker was going to take responsibility for having Town property delivered to his own property where it was supposedly stolen shortly after it was dropped off.

After I asked these tough questions, Joann Kwasniewski/ Ritter told Parker Snead, during the meeting, to not allow me to speak at the meetings. Parker said he was quite sure he could do that and possibly keep me from attending the town board meetings.

Now keep in mind I did not raise my voice, did not use vulgar language or even leave my seat. Parker on the other hand did use questionable language. But what happened next was circus like.

Supervisor Parker Snead’s wife Joan did not address the Town Board members; she heckled another person in the gallery. Mrs. Snead accused Betty Hasenauer of instigating the theft of the town property from Parker’s private property. Then after some other mumbling that I did not hear clearly, Mrs. Snead started to dance around the room. She stated over and over again, “I got it, I got it on tape”. She carried on and on, running all around the room during the meeting. The heckler grabbed Betty by the head, pulled her close to her and kissed her on the head. Then she smacked her on the head as well (who by the way is 73 years old). She continued running around and pointed to at least 3 more people shouting, “You’re done”, “You’re done” “You’re done”! One of those people even told her to get away for him. I was one of the other 2 but said nothing to her.

If you think this behavior was appalling, Parker’s reaction takes the prize. He was laughing and clapping, seemingly to encourage more of his wife’s bizarre behavior. He allowed what I consider “bully tactics” to continue.

Here are my thoughts; you be the judge, is there transparency here? Yes, there is a good look at Parker’s obvious lack of professionalism and honesty. Supervisor Parker Snead enables a circus style atmosphere at the Board Meeting while along with Joann Kwasniewski/Ritter, they want to prevent residents from asking questions that seek to hold the Town Board accountable.

Dave Ultsch


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