Daily Archives: October 13, 2011

United We Prepare! by Ken Thibado, Survivalist

Post-civilization looks to be around corner

Well, The Great Collapse is here. It’s the Second Depression-or are we on The Third?

The point is: This Is The Big One folks! The long recession followed by a hollow-sounding kurplunk, and the sinking feeling that we’re too tired to swim.

Face-painted extremes from the Right and Left are marching and chanting, while carrying signs bemoaning taxes, corporations, and government.

Factions from America’s Protestor Army have been dispatched to all the state capitals, Wall Street, and various other places of political and monetary power. Continue reading

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Nourished Living by Dietician Kelly Hamlin MA, RD, CDN

Hydration important during any type of physical activity

It’s so nice to see the kids back out there playing soccer, and seeing all the people out for their morning power walks when I’m driving to work in the morning.

However, one thing I don’t see is water bottles. I’m afraid people think that because summer is over they don’t have to stay as hydrated.

Staying hydrated is essential for everyone, but even more so for athletes or anyone participating in any type of physical activity.

Water is the most important nutrient for life and has many important functions including regulating temperature, lubricating joints and transporting nutrients and waste throughout the body. Continue reading

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National snowmobile TV program spotlights Old Forge trail system

Local snowmobile trail systems will be featured on the national cable series, Snow Trails TV, on Sunday mornings at 7:30 a.m. EST beginning October 16 on Fox Sports Network North, Fox Sports Network Detroit and Madison Square Garden PLUS Network.

Rebroadcasts will be shown weekdays on Time Warner Cable channel 54 and on HD channel 801.

The Town of Webb will be featured in both national and regional broadcasts along with tourism agencies from Lewis, Oneida and Oswego counties.

The episode featuring snowmobile trails in and around Webb will air on Sunday, November 13 and will be rebroadcast on December 4.

Snow Trails TV works in cooperation with organized snowmobiling entities to provide public communication and education about recreational snowmobiling.

The program also spotlights the economic impact of snowmobiling, proper equipment and safety segments.

It reaches 27,000,000 television households weekly.

Webb Publicity Director Mike Farmer rode with Snow Trails TV’s “Video Mike” Grant and his film crew last February to capture footage of the snowmobile trails in and around Old Forge.

The Snow Trails TV crew extended their stay in Old Forge to showcase the local area and business community.

At the conclusion of the filming, Grant said, “We have to get back here. This is what it’s all about. Family snowmobiling, professional grooming, economic impact-Old Forge is ‘Snowmobile Central.'”

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