Tag Archives: Jan from Woodgate

Make no bones about it—it’s a dog eat dog world

Dogs. America loves dogs of all varieties, the edible kind, of course, in addition to our four-legged buds.

I can’t even begin to count the amount of traveling doggies I’ve had the pleasure of visiting with this summer—a delightful pastime that never ceases to entertain and amuse me.

But like anything else that requires time and responsibility—doggie-rearing is just not for everyone.

Remember the family pet of old? Ya carried home in your arms—minus a fancy crate—a cute little free-of-charge puppy from the neighbor who refused to “fix” his dog. It went to the vet once or twice in a lifetime. Ya fed it and trained the thing to poo outside.

Maybe a little ball tossing here and there, some nice walks, running in the yard and a bunch of kid cuddles.

If it didn’t work out (some dogs are just naughty) Dad took the dog to “that nice farm In Vermont” where it could run its little heart out. The End.

Not so in this day and age. Seems there’s no shortage of assistance out there for those too lazy to own a pet, from special pricey gadgets (Heard of the Thundershirt?

Why hold and comfort your distraught pet if Mama Nay wreaks havoc in the sky when you can just squeeze him into a special shirt?) to puppy socialization classes (Well, he watches Animal Planet on the big screen tv from his crate all day until we get home.) and, believe it or not, highly trained doggie behaviorist specialists (It’s all my mother’s fault…she was a female dog too.) Continue reading

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Disappointment arises when personal agendas rule common sense

Associations. Govern-ments. Unions. They’re all comprised of groups of people who supposedly have the same ideas, goals and parameter of rules and regulations.

There are tons and tons of associations, from homeowners to sports to, well, you name it. Our world is chock full of “joiners” who clearly possess the mentality that allows them to believe that in order to make a difference one must be “associated.”

There’s no doubt that the rights of many individuals have been protected by their Ass.Gov.com. On the flip sign of that coin, however, one might be a bit disappointed to find the harm that has also been caused when absolutely no mutual ground can be found and personal agendas take precedence over common sense.    Continue reading

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Don’t like what you see from up above, then it’s your own darn fault

Holy cow…Google Earth. Now that is one amazing hunk of technology in my opinion, but then again I’m totally impressed by anything more complicated than the remote control we use to operate our television set.

Apparently there re some satellite thingies that live in pace hich possess the ability to zoom in and take pics of virtually any place on our earth—including our very own back yards!

Hmmph. Mixed feelings here. Admittedly, it’s kinda comforting to know that in the event of an emergency we can be easily located. The obvious downside is the lack of privacy. Big Bro is watching us. All the time. Everywhere.

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Just Call me Mrs. Lucky by Jan From Woodgate

This week’s subject is… wait a minute… I forgot

I forgot. Two simple words that have the power to provide forgiveness for virtually anything. Everyone forgets something at some point, whether it’s a simple itty bitty oops (came home without the milk,) or a biggie (thought it was Christmas so I didn’t show up for work.)

Can’t be helped and truly, we should not beat ourselves up when stuff slips our mind.

Like so many other folks I constantly struggle with names. A younger, braver me would’ve taken a chance and called out the first name that came to mind, and I was often correct. Now…not so much.

In fact, it’s practically a guarantee that I will fail miserably, so I find it’s just so much easier to admit defeat. “Um, so sorry, but I just cannot remember what you call yourself—what the heck is your name anyway?” Continue reading

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Just Call me Mrs. Lucky by Jan from Woodgate

Supergrams: The most super of all super heroes

There are tons of words in the English language that end in “gram.”

You’ve got your anagram, your cardiogram, a diagram or monogram or telegram.

The list goes on and on. I hereby propose a new addition to the “gram family,” and it involves, as luck would have it, family! The family of which I speak is the root of most families—the grammas and the grampas. It seems that this amazing group of elders has evolved into a new improved version of the grams and gramps of yesterday.

Grandparents of today have way more responsibility, and spend tons more time with the littles than what I recall. Continue reading

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Just Call me Mrs. Lucky by Jan from Woodgate

If you’re Lucky—it’ll all come out in the wash

In my opinion, interviewers have the best job. One of my very favorite activities includes spontaneous questions randomly flung out to unsuspecting targets—oops, I mean men. This week’s topic revolved around a common household chore called laundry.

Unfortunately my training (or lack thereof) skills have not expanded to include my husband in this particular chore, until very recently.

He was completely unaware of the Four Step Process that results in his nice clean undies eventually landing in his happy little undie drawer.

So I had no choice in these busy summer months but to initiate a training seminar, therefore bidding adieu to the ever present Laundry Fairy with whom he has resided for almost thirty delightful years.

Our first session was not successful, to say the least. He managed to actuallyload his work duds into he washing machine, adding an appropriate cupful of Tide. Oh, how I praised him!!!   Continue reading

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Just Call me Mrs. Lucky by Jan from Woodgate

An ode to the abilities of the green-thumbers

Mary Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? Well, my name’s not Mary, but I’m willing to share how my garden grows with you.

Flowers are, in short, a miracle to me.

I did not come from  family with mad gardening skills so I’ve had to develop my own unique style over the years. And trust me, this was done with tons of donations from neighbors and friends. The generosity of these folks is unprecedented and so appreciated.

However, they all seem to possess what I clearly lack—the ability to plant a flower garden where the beauty of all the prettiness can be seen at a glance.

I’ve never met a greenhouse that I didn’t like—no, I mean LOVE. he folks that are capable of combining the bazillion types of heaven in pots, as well as in the ground, are so darn talented.  Continue reading

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