Don’t like what you see from up above, then it’s your own darn fault

Holy cow…Google Earth. Now that is one amazing hunk of technology in my opinion, but then again I’m totally impressed by anything more complicated than the remote control we use to operate our television set.

Apparently there re some satellite thingies that live in pace hich possess the ability to zoom in and take pics of virtually any place on our earth—including our very own back yards!

Hmmph. Mixed feelings here. Admittedly, it’s kinda comforting to know that in the event of an emergency we can be easily located. The obvious downside is the lack of privacy. Big Bro is watching us. All the time. Everywhere.

My question? Who exactly is in charge of which pics get posted? I haven’t spent a whole lot of time on the site—just long enough to locate my own home. And luckily I did not spot myself languishing in my kiddie pool clad in undies.

But who’s to say that vision wasn’t captured by some tech junkie somewhere, and that he (unable by employee contract to be so cruel) stuffed it into an app somewhere else which could conceivably show up on YouTube someday?

Sheesh—anything’s possible, ya know. And in the event that actually did happen, does this guy have the best job ever? Being able to view all types of backyard activity when no one thinks they’re being watched?

Is it possible that he was lookie-looing last week, during that anger-inspiring heat wave, when I lost my mind completely while swatting a deer fly? I got him alright. And even though that annoying creature was clearly dead I still felt the overwhelming need to continue killing it—smashing its body beyond recognition and then (no, I’m not proud of this next part)—lighting it on fire.

Dear Lord, did the Google space camera get THAT one? And if so, I can only guess that the tech guy may have found that quite amusing, thus confirming “best job ever” status.

We can only hope and pray that the job screening for that particular vocation is quite intense, and only the cream of the crop are allowed to edit these pics. But surely we have not forgotten The Big Leak from several weeks ago.

Let’s face it folks, we’re at the mercy of technology and those that have the knowledge and skill to reveal whatever the hell they want. I just hope I didn’t burn out the retinas of some poor young man with my kiddie pool antics, but then again I’m sure he makes a ton more money than me. So the heck with him. That’s what he gets for choosing a life of spy.

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