Tag Archives: Jan from Woodgate

Merry Christmas to Me!

Yay for today—Christmas Eve day. This is my official last day on Brown, and quite frankly I couldn’t be more ecstatic. It’s been a looong month, but one filled with learning and good cheer. So what have I learned from this experience?

• Never, EVER accept a job that requires me to be out after dark. Not happenin.

• People shop online. A lot. Some receive packages each and every day, and the mail system is one amazing machine. Shout out to postal workers everywhere—you folks rock.

Sarah and Rich (O.F. P.O.), thanks for not beating me up for playing Jingle Bells on the doorbell. Couldn’t help myself, but your upbeat attitudes during the busiest time of the year are inspiring. Not to mention the snacks and goodies you’ve shared—so appreciated!  Continue reading

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Lucky Dogs closing for season not a good thing for ‘PR’

Today is Tuesday, October 1st.  Our government is officially “shut down,” so in like fashion Lucky Dogs will also close…but not ‘til tomorrow. I do not want to be labeled a copy cat, which I find degrading.

But I’m a firm believer in “ya gotta know when to fold ‘em,” and judging by the way it’s raining leaves around here it is definitely time to fold.

Great summer folks—thanks to one and all patrons. You may have noticed how incredibly nice these little rants of mine have been—i.e. no criticisms, all sappy sweet to fellow mankind, blah blah blah.

Well, the season has changed and it appears I’m fresh out of “nice” and practically bursting with sarcasm. So many things I’ve held in—which is incredibly unhealthy—and who can afford to lose their health at a time like this?

Not this gal. Especially when on the brink of being forced to participate in a health care plan that will only succeed in causing angst in my heart. Thanks for looking out for us, Mr. President! Continue reading

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Myth Buster: A cricket in the house not so lucky after all

Here we are at that special time of year again when all of God’s creatures decide that after spending their entire lives outdoors they now want to live inside with us. It seems the critters vary year by year, and this year’s biggest offender appears to be, of all things, crickets and grasshoppers.

So it starts—Critter Warfare. Why so many? Why are they all here at once? In my search for answers, I, like any good American, googled the issue. Unfortunately there were no answers but plenty of “purchase my product” solutions.

So back to these crickets. I’ve always enjoyed listening to them at night and have actually found them to be quite comforting. In the house—not so much. They’re soooooo loud, coupled with the ability to land and cling, that the whole cricket thing is totally ruined for me. Continue reading

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