Just Call me Mrs. Lucky by Jan from Woodgate

An ode to the abilities of the green-thumbers

Mary Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? Well, my name’s not Mary, but I’m willing to share how my garden grows with you.

Flowers are, in short, a miracle to me.

I did not come from  family with mad gardening skills so I’ve had to develop my own unique style over the years. And trust me, this was done with tons of donations from neighbors and friends. The generosity of these folks is unprecedented and so appreciated.

However, they all seem to possess what I clearly lack—the ability to plant a flower garden where the beauty of all the prettiness can be seen at a glance.

I’ve never met a greenhouse that I didn’t like—no, I mean LOVE. he folks that are capable of combining the bazillion types of heaven in pots, as well as in the ground, are so darn talented. 

Short babies in the front, taller in the back, super color coordination nicely blended with  vast amount of “what blooms when” knowledge will continue to amaze me for all of my earthbound years.

My flower gardens remind me of my hair—slightly unkempt and likely to grow in any direction. Snip a stray here and there and ray for the best—no fancy mulch or additives, just a lot of hope and not much maintenance.

It took years for me to realize I will never remember what I planted where the previous year, so no weeding is allowed until t least July.

Can’t count how many times I’ve attempted the weeding process only to find a bulb attached to what was unknowingly yanked from its happy spot.

As time marches on I spend less and less on the annuals I so adore, because the dependable perennials bring me just as much happiness and the price is right. hat most refer to as weeds are totally acceptable in my little world. If they sport even the tiniest speck of color they’re welcome o stay.

So when you see me slowly driving by your home or business lease know that I’m in awe of your talent and silently saluting your beautiful garden. I’d like to say that I’m trying to capture a wee bit of your know-how, but I will never try to re-create what you’ve done cuz really, obody likes a copycat!!

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