Daily Archives: October 20, 2011

DEC adopts 5-year deer management plan; hopes to reinvigorate interest in sport as number of young hunters declines statewide

As the temperatures begin to drop, and the trees quickly shed their leaves for winter, hunters in the Central Adirondacks are becoming more and more excited for deer hunting season, which begins in the Northern Zone on Saturday, October 22.

Deer hunting has been a long-standing tradition in New York and has played an important part in the heritage and traditions of many Adirondack families as it continues to be a means of shared recreation, an opportunity to pass-on family values and traditions; an opportunity to instill in future generations a reverence for nature, and most importantly, by providing a valuable source of food. Continue reading

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Outside the Box

Caitlin Bailey runs to victory, Will Johnson a force in goal, and Varsity boys heading to soccer sectionals

Plans are in the works for the 3rd Annual Craig Sears and Matt Girouard Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser, which includes a basketball tournament, spaghetti dinner, raffle, and numerous other activities, and has received tremendous support from our extremely thoughtful and generous community.

We will be contacting last year’s team captains through Facebook and invite anyone who would like to participate in the tournament, donate an item for the raffle, or volunteer to lend a hand to contact myself or Giselle Kress. Continue reading

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Herr-Story by Charles Herr

Arnold’s Manor would begin an architectural decline that terminated with its burning in May 1896.

Cyrus advertised the new hotel as a “first-class country hotel” and that supplies, guides and boats were available.

The hotel’s business started slow and was beginning to pick up when Cyrus drowned at Limekiln Lake in November 1872.

He and his 10-year-old son Will were deer hunting with Daniel Sears, Sam Dunakin and Jack Sheppard. Continue reading

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Letter to the Editor: KYAC

From left, Mara Gaffney, Chris Gaige, Kelly Hamlin, Lori Herron and Carter Lawrence

The Kommunity Youth Activity Center’s (KYAC) Pizza Party and Open House was well attended on Friday, October 14, with 25 Town of Webb students attending.

I would like to thank the following businesses and people for their donations and their time to help re-open KYAC: Wilderness Interiors, Slickers, Key Club, Diane Amos, JB Herron, Kevin Birtle, Jim and Judy Herron, and the KYAC Board.

Thank you for all of your generous donations and your time. KYAC is a great asset to our younger community members and your support helped to re-open the center.

There are quite a few crafty students, and if anyone would like to donate art supplies, i.e., paint, markers, paint brushes, and canvases, we would really appreciate it.

Lori Herron, KYAC Director

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Hilary George & Jason Villiere announce engagement

Hilary George and Jason Villiere of Old Forge have announced their engagement.

Hilary is the daughter of Mary Hobika of New Hartford and the late Lawrence George. Jason is the son of George Villiere of Old Forge and the late Carol Villiere.

The couple is planning an August 4, 2012 wedding at Moose River House in Thendara.

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Talkin’ Code with Andrew Getty

Last minute inspection arrangements can upset the process by timely inspections

Every year during this time, after the busy summer and before winter really sets in, a lot of concrete goes into the ground.

Many people assume that since most summer residents have left to go back to their principal home and the kids are back in school, this office slows down as well.

That is just not the case. Continue reading

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Busy weekend for Central Adirondack Search And Rescue Team by Roy Reehil, CASART President

CASART Training Officer Greg O'Hara debriefs the team at the conclusion of the mock search

The Central Adirondack Search and Rescue Team (CASART) conducted drills last Friday and Saturday, October 14 and 15 in Inlet.

The drills were followed by the organization’s annual meeting, elections, and dinner at Seventh Lake House on Saturday night.

The team is now the largest search and rescue team in the state with over 80 members, 19 of whom braved the rain, wind and cold to conduct a mock search exercise Saturday morning at Fern Park in Inlet.

Left to right: CASART President Roy Reehil, his son Ethan, and CASART member Joe Gelsomino, Ron Dearlove and Paul Repak

During the search, four teams of searchers divided up to comb the hillsides and valleys of the park to find myself and my 13-year-old son, Ethan.

After about two hours of searching, a radio message was received at the CASART trailer, which was set up as an incident command center, that both of us had been found and that we would walk out of the woods with the team of successful searchers. Continue reading

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