An open letter to the community & B.O.E.

Kinderwood thankful for all who contribute to local education

Kinderwood would like to thank the Town of Webb UFSD Board for hosting a very productive forum last Tuesday, which allowed members of the public to discuss our community’s Pre-K educational needs.

The session was informative and elicited some great questions and comments.

Kinderwood is glad for the opportunity it’s had in helping with the educational development of our preschool children, and we look forward to continuing for many years to come.As many know, Kinderwood was founded in 1969 and later certified by the State Department of Education with the following mission statement:

“The Kinderwood Program, Ltd. of Early Education is committed to providing a quality education program to the young children who are the future of our community.

“Individual and group oriented activities serve the cognitive and practical developmental needs of children through perceptual awareness, graded motor activities, primary social interaction, and practical life experiences.

“Because a sense of respect is based on utter kindness, Kinderwood practices the three C’s: Consideration, Cooperation and Courtesy.”

Kinderwood focuses on the following in accomplishing its mission:

• Following prescribed curriculum approved by New York State.

• Following Montessori philosophy of importance of child and his developmental needs.

• Providing a nurturing environment.

• Providing artistic, environmental and musical learning opportunities.

Currently, Kinderwood has 2.5 hour sessions for three-year-olds, twice a week.

Four-year-olds meet three days a week for about three hours a day—one day being “Outreach,” where they engage in activities outside of the classroom, such as swimming, skiing, snowshoeing, and horseback riding.

Our school year runs from the first full week after Labor Day to the last week in May.

The cost per day is $10 including a snack. Kinderwood has scholarships available thanks to the generosity of many individuals and organizations, such as The Northwoods Women’s Club and Kiwanis—no child has been turned away due to lack of funds.

Over the years, Kinderwood has enjoyed a successful partnership with the Town of Webb UFSD as we have sought to prepare our young people for success in life through education.

It’s great to know that the School and Kinderwood, along with parents, are able to coordinate so well in fulfilling state expectations for learning at every level.

The Kinderwood Board meets regularly to review, plan, and build its program. We believe there is always room for growth and improvement. Kinderwood welcomes ideas and suggestions to help us better serve the preschool age children of our community.

If you were not able to attend Tuesday’s TOW UFSD Board meeting and would like to offer your thoughts, please feel free to contact me at (315) 369-3979, or through the Kinderwood link at View’s website (

Thank you again, to the Town of Webb School’s faculty, administrators, board of education, parents, and concerned community members and organizations for all your input and support, as we work together in educating our children and preparing them for a life of learning.

Page Hannah, Kinderwood Board President, Old Forge

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