WPOA membership discusses issues by Letty Haynes, President

A meeting of the Webb Property Owners Assoc-iation was held on Saturday, September 24 at North Woods Inn. A variety of subjects were discussed.

There was extensive discussion regarding improvements to the local health care system.

The possibility of being declared a Health Professional Shortage Area was proposed, which if obtained would help with expenses.

County Legislator Patrick Russell was in attendance and spoke to the members about issues concerning a new county jail.

The operating expenses for a separate jail versus sharing the facilities of the existing jail is a concern for members and needs to be further explored.

The importance of moving quickly to prevent hydrofracking, or at least the waste disposal from hydrofracking, is an issue to be discussed at the town and county levels.

The membership decided to implement a WPOA website to make information more accessible to parties interested in the association’s work.

The organization’s next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, October 15 at 9 a.m. All Town of Webb Supervisor candidates have been invited to attend at 9:30 a.m.

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