Tag Archives: Sutherland

Sutherlands grateful for community support

We would like to express our thanks, love, and appreciation to those of you who prayed, donated, stopped by to share a hug, a story, or to laugh and cry with us on the loss of our beloved wife and mother Kirsty.

Over the weeks we have heard many descriptions of Kirsty: bigger than life, pillar of the community, prominent volunteer, one of those faces of the area…

Yes, she was all of those things, but to us she was a wife, mother, best friend, lover, business partner—this amazing woman who was so driven and focused on her ideas (and believe me she had plenty of them.)

Kirsty had this vision for  everything she touched. From her first place known simply as Kirsty’s, to the Red Dog, her precious Alex, our home, and finally Ozzie’s. There was to be the next place…the vision on that was to have the brightest red roof Inlet has ever seen. She talked about that the first day we bought it.

Since the day of the accident we have realized that although she is gone and in our minds, she will NEVER be forgotten. There have been other amazing women in our lives as well to help us through. Continue reading

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