Tag Archives: Dr. Adam Seigers

Involve yourself in your personal health care to reduce chances of medical error

by Dr. Adam Seigers

The leading cause of death in America isn’t heart disease, diabetes, or cancer. It is the American Medical System.

As a result of medical error in this country, about one million people are harmed each year and 280,000 die as a result.

This is the equivalent of one jumbo jet crash with complete fatality per day; in post office terms – 384,000 lost pieces of mail per day, or in banking terms – 768,000 wrongly deposited checks per day.

While these numbers are staggering, they are really related to lapses in communication and a lack of quality primary care.

Quality primary care starts with a provider who knows the patient and who will monitor medications, follow up on testing, or answer questions that might have arisen during a recent hospitalization.

And with the division of primary and hospital medicine, this need has never been greater. Continue reading

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Researchers suspect meat additive of playing role in multiple diseases

 by Dr. Adam Seigers Medical Health Contributor

Meat glue or tissue transglutaminase is a substance originally harvested from animal blood that is now produced from bacterial fermentation.

This substance, produced as a powder, is added to small pieces of meat.

And as its name implies, these pieces of meat are then glued via a chemical bond to make a larger piece of meat.

The problems therein are twofold. First, since tissue transglutaminase is not technically a food but rather a food additive, it is generally regarded as safe by the FDA despite an obvious lack of testing.

In the human body, tissue transglutaminase is genetically located on chromosome 20 and plays a role both in celiac disease and in certain cancers.

High levels are suspected to play a role in the development of both Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease. Continue reading

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Lyme Disease easily treated when recognized, brought before doctor

by Dr. Adam Seigers, Medical Health Contributor

Lyme disease is the most common tick borne illness in North America and is carried by the Deer tick. It is transmitted as a bacterium that when appropriately recognized can be easily treated.

You are likely to encounter a tick bite if you spend time in the outdoors or in grassy or heavily wooded areas.

A tick is a small insect often no bigger than the head of a pin.

After a tick attaches itself  it takes about 48 hours for to transmit the bacteria responsible for causing Lyme disease.

Despite the timeframe, if a tick looks visibly engorged, enough time has elapsed to transmit the infection. Once a tick has been discovered it should be promptly removed by

grasping it at the head.  An antiseptic should then be applied.

Seeking medical care promptly is important for good outcomes.

Usually individuals of suspect are treated with antibiotics. Additional testing such as ELISA, Western blot, and PCR testing can be done to confirm the diagnosis, but these blood tests often appear falsely negative within the first few weeks of exposure.

It is especially important to see a doctor if the following symptoms occur: a rash with a bulls eye pattern called erythema migrans, flu-like symptoms including body aches, fatigue, fever, and headache, migratory joint pains, neurologic problems, temporary paralysis of one side of the face, or an irregular heartbeat.

To prevent exposure to ticks wear long pants, use insect spray, and avoid areas where ticks are prevalent.

For more information please contact your primary care provider.

Dr. Adam Seigers is a physician with Faxton St. Luke’s Adirondack Community Physicians (ACP) Boonville Medical Offices on Rt. 12.

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Bath salts go by several names, cause same devastating results

by Dr. Adam Seigers, Medical Health Contributor

Bath salts may sound like something seemingly harmless, though these amphetamine-like street drugs carry the risk of overdose, hallucinations and death.

Delivered as a powder which can be snorted, ingested, or injected, these drugs go by the trade names of blizzard, blue silk, charge plus, ivory snow, ivory wave, ocean burst, pure ivory, purple wave, snow leopard, stardust, vanilla sky, white dove, white night and white lightning.

Since bath salts are synthetically engineered often times in a home or amateur laboratory their chemical content is never absolutely known. Continue reading

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Act fast if you suspect that someone is having a stroke

by Dr. Adam Seigers, Medical Health Contributor

May is national stroke awareness month. A stroke is a disruption in blood flow to the brain.

Recognizing a stroke is the most critical part in treating it. The simple acronym FAST can help one remember the steps in stroke recognition.

“F” stands for facial droop. When smiling, does one side of the face droop or sag?  Continue reading

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What to take when feeling the effects of seasonal allergies

by Dr. Adam Seigers 

Allergy season is amongst us and with pollen in the air you may be wondering what to take for your allergies this season.

To understand what to take, it is important to understand how allergies work.

In the human body, immunoglo-bulins the functional components of the immune system are made up of three main varieties.

One of these varieties called IgE or immunoglobulin E, triggers the release of histamine from specialized cells when a foreign substance, such as pollen, is detected.

When histamine is released, watery eyes, and runny noses result.

Anti-histamines have and continue to be the mainstay of treatment for allergy.

First generation antihistamines like Benadryl, effectively target the H1 receptor known to be largely responsible for most allergic responses.

The problem is that Benadryl is also very nonspecific in its effect for the H1 receptor. Continue reading

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Monitoring your decibel intake for a lifetime of sound hearing

by Dr. Adam Seigers, Medical Health Contributor

The hearing system is comprised of three main regions or parts. The outer ear, which consists of the ear canal and ear drum, is the first part.

Moving internally to the middle ear, the eardrum is connected to several tiny bones called ossicles.

These tiny bones conduct sound to the inner ear where a seashell shaped structure called the cochlea is found.

This structure converts movement of the ossicles into electrical signals which can be interpreted by the brain.

When we think about hearing loss it can be divided into two main types: sensorineural and conductive.

Sensorineural hearing loss damages the nerve pathways in the inner ear. Continue reading

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