Tag Archives: Complete Streets

‘Complete Streets’ legislation designed to make travel safer by Sen. James L. Seward

A Column of News & Comment

As our communities grow and change with the times, local officials, who design our streets and plan for the future, are met with increasing challenges.

The senate has approved legislation, known as “Complete Streets” which will offer some guidance to state, county and local transportation with an eye toward safety.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 300 pedestrians were killed on New York’s roadways in 2009—more than 45 other states.

Twenty-six percent of all traffic fatalities in New York State in 2009 involved pedestrians, which is more than double the national average.

No one factor can be blamed for the disturbing numbers, but clearly, steps need to be taken to design safer streets.

By requiring planners to consider “Complete Streets” principles better safety strategies will be implemented.

“Complete Streets” design principles are roadway design features that accommodate and facilitate safe travel by pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists of all ages and abilities.

These features include sidewalks, paved shoulders suitable for use by bicyclists, bicycle lanes, “share the road” signage, crosswalks, pedestrian control signalization, bus pull outs, curb cuts, raised crosswalks, ramps, and traffic calming measures designed to allow pedestrian and motor traffic to easily coexist. Continue reading

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