Ask Rosy Rox

Dogging your parents to no avail? Try sending a clear pet message!

Hey this is Rosy RoX, the girl around town, in the know, and here to once again answer your questions et cetera…Rosy’s Random Review: I went to Old Forge Hardware and bought an amazing book called “Howl’s Moving Castle” by Dianne Jones. It was about an eighteen-year-old girl cursed to age seventy-two. Imagine being a young person who suddenly turns into a ninety-year-old!

Then she runs away and meets a young wizard named Howl, who is rumored to kidnap young girls and eat their hearts. But she finds there is more to him than there seems. This book was funny, romantic, and just all-around well-written.

I recommend this book for any age group over ten. It’s also available in the Town of Webb School library. Check it out!

Dear Rosy RoX,

I want to get a dog, but my parents keep saying that I can’t until I prove I’m “responsible.” What do I have to do to prove to them that I’m responsible enough?

Dog Yearner, Thendara

Dear Dog-Yearner,

Simple: prove to them that you’re responsible by doing simple house tasks… Do the dishes, clear the table, keep your room clean, etc. This will show that you’re willing to handle daily tasks not unlike those involved in caring for a pet. Also that you are willing to clean up a mess, which is definitely going to be required with a dog, especially if it’s a puppy.

You must realize that having a pet like a dog is a lot of fun, but they can create a big mess—and I’m not even going to get started on training—but if you are a hundred percent sure you want a dog, try demonstrating your responsibility.

If it does not work out, talk to your parents. There may be a deeper reason on why you can’t have a dog. I wish you luck. Have fun.

—Send questions & comments to:

 NOTE from Rosey: I like to review restaurants, movies, plays, etc. I specialize in teen advice, mainly because I know what the teens here in the ADK go through. I should know. I’m one myself. And no one understands a teen like a teen. So, bring on your questions or problems, e-mail me

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