Letter to the Editor: Animals deserve responsible care

Dear Editor,

It saddens me when anyone has so little respect for life as was expressed in Mrs. Lucky’s article of January 12.

One of the main things I tried to impress on my students when I was teaching, was that ALL life is precious, no matter how trivial it may seem to us, and it should not be wasted needlessly.

More and more are scientists discovering how many human traits animals have. They communicate, experience joy and sadness, (as expressed when a co-pet dies), and pain.

How can anyone not empathize when a creature is brought into captivity and allowed, through neglect, to die a miserable death?My hope is that anyone responsible for the care of any creature will treat it with responsibility, and if unwilling to do so, will find a better place for it.


Letty E. Haynes, Inlet

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