Unprecedented turnout: 6,000 people attend DEC’s hydrofracking hearings

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation held its fourth and final public hearing on the agency’s draft SGEIS, draft regulations and draft storm water permit for high-volume hydraulic fracturing.

The hearing was held in New York City with previous hearings having been held in Dansville, Binghamton and Loch Sheldrake.

In total, approximately 6,000 people attended the hearings with approximately 590 giving verbal comments.

An additional 669 written comments were also submitted. “The turnout of 6,000 people at the hearings demonstrates how strongly New Yorkers feel about this important issue,” DEC Commissioner Joe Martens said.

“[Opinions] ranged from urging an outright ban to urging drilling to occur now,” he said. Public comment on the 2009 draft helped DEC greatly improve the proposal it released earlier this summer, Martens added.

“The comments made at the hearings will be seriously considered as we move forward with developing the final rules and conditions,” he said.

All comments will be responded to in responsive summaries included in the final documents, according to Martens.

“I encourage New Yorkers to continue to read the documents and submit their feedback to DEC before the comment period ends on January 11,” he said.

Comments can be mailed to NYS DEC; 625 Broadway; Albany, NY 12233-6510.

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