Ken Thibado- A Response

Sarah Palin didn’t murder anyone.  And Saint Sarah never broke a single law, or even had a single moment where she wished to bend the law so she could eliminate a human being.  She’s not an accomplice.  …and, as we all know, she’s no mastermind.

I don’t believe, even as she doodled targets on her enemies like a high-schooler, that she wished harm on them.  The only ill-will Saint Sarah lobs in the direction of anyone is stress.

Sarah doesn’t like Democrats (a wide ranging group who’s goodwill, guilt, and constant harping make them mildly annoying and lackluster at best, and at worst; Pinko-windbags).  If a Democrat runs for office; Sarah will be there to defeat them!  (So far she has a losing record, but I’m on a roll here…)  If a Democrat holds an office; Sarah will slow their progress!  If a Democrat takes a misstep; Sarah will misspeak!  Because above all Sarah wants you to know she doesn’t like Democrats, and neither should you!

Sarah’s bile laced cheese-maze diatribes are what she’s best known for.  Some might remember a time when she was a governor, but she Spitzered that gig long ago.  The failed VP candidate, turned failed governor, turned Fox News Analyst, turned reality TV show star is a fame machine.  Even though the realm of her own expertise is often a mystery to her, Sarah Palin is a famous voice within politics.  Even now.

A lunatic took life away from the living in Arizona.  His intended prey was a political figure.  A government figure.  A Democrat.  The fallout around his target wasn’t on his mind, and his sights fell randomly across their paths.

The rotting and deformed brain of Jared Lee Loughner is to blame.  His synapses fire electric pulses of evil.  His own lack of morality gave root to his disastrous existence.  He was driven by his own arrogance to disregard what is sacred.  He pulled the trigger.  He is a murderer.  He is a vile pig, barely human.

The American Ideology is Freedom.  As a result, We The People, hope for fruitful Pursuits of Happiness unencumbered by forces that would otherwise crush our individuality.  We are free to excel, or to stumble.  Our path is our own.  And that’s it.

We are answerable for our actions.  Freedom does not mean “free from responsibility”.  We are responsible not as a people.  As a people we are free, but individually we are responsible.  Unfortunately, responsibility cannot be deemed, it is a learned trait.

The rhetoric of our country is being held captive by irresponsible people.

Was it responsible to encourage the Kenyan-Birth Certificate Theory?  Is it responsible to continue supporting it?  Was “palling around with terrorists” a responsible statement?  Is “Drill Baby, Drill” a responsible slogan?  Can “Repeal The Job-Killing Health Care Act” actually be a responsible title for legislation?  Is wasting time on a meaningless piece of legislation responsible?  Is not granting 9/11 emergency responders much needed health services responsible?  Is drawing targets on people responsible?  Is claiming President Obama a Nazi responsible?  Is constantly misreporting the news an act of being responsible?  Are our gun control laws responsible?

Our Freedoms are under attack; by ignorance; by defiance; and by the continuing erosion of responsibility.

To speak of it in lofty terms is to be vague about how ugly these traits are.  So let me draw you a perfect picture of defiant and ignorant irresponsibility: Jared Lee Loughner.

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