Gary Lee’s Daybreak to Twilight

Bluebird of happiness sighting brings hope of spring’s arrival

Normally on the first day of Spring—or maybe April Fools Day—my Mom would try to get us by saying there was a Robin out in the yard. I haven’t seen one in this area yet, but John Levi saw one by Sixth Lake last week.

I heard one as I was going through Otter Lake Saturday morning (3/19) and by the time I got to Holland Patent I had seen hundreds of them.

Further along my route to Cicero I saw a few hundred Blackbirds and Grackles, a couple Killdeer, thousands of Canada Geese, only a couple Snow Geese and several big flocks of Turkeys.

They all thought it was spring but this week may change their minds as snow is predicted for three days.

I’ve only had one Red-winged Blackbird at the feeder and many of my Redpolls have moved north.

Lots of Geese have been flying both west and north, whichever way the wind blows.

While snowshoeing along the outlet of Limekiln Lake I stepped right on a Woodcock which flew out from under a spruce bow.

It landed on two feet of snow and looked a little out of place. I think he might bend his beak if he tries to probe for worms in this area.

While at the New York State Big Buck Club meeting at Borio’s Restaurant (overlooking Oneida Lake) a beautiful adult Bald Eagle sailed right by our window.

Ten years ago seeing an Eagle would have been considered a rarity, but now it’s commonplace.

Many who were at the meeting were not terribly excited about it, but I thought it was neat. I always will.

Just as I looked out the window I saw bunch of Redwings move into the feeder. Then an odd looking bird was sitting just above the feeders. At first I thought it was a Junco but it was a little too fat.

Then it flew down and snatched something off the snow. It was a Bluebird—a sure sign of spring.

It was snowing like crazy yet there was a beautiful Bluebird in the yard. I’m more hopeful about the arrival of spring now!

Five Black-capped Chickadees were having a territorial battle over one of the Bluebird boxes.

The males have been giving their two-note calls for a couple weeks now hoping to impress a mate.

They nested in one of the boxes last year and had six young.

They make a neat moss nest that looks like a round cup for their pure white eggs.

A few of my crocuses have bloomed right out of the snow bank.

I saw a whole side yard of purple crocuses down by Bridgeport Saturday which brightened my day.

Some of my Daffodils were showing their buds but that 10 degrees yesterday might set them back.

The St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Old Forge was very nice. Several parade watchers said it was their first time seeing it.

I don’t know if they were impressed or not but I’m sure they had fun, and a couple of beers to boot.

The people along the parade route are sometimes more colorful than the folks coming down the street. It was a beautiful day for a parade.

I hope you all got to see the super Moon on Saturday night. It sure was beautiful as it rose at the far end of Seventh Lake, looking more like a sunrise.

I got some nice refraction pictures from the Sixth Lake Bridge.

Using the steel frame of that old bridge to set the camera helped to make a nice shot, though the bridge does wiggle when a car or truck passes by.

A few other people were there taking shots with their little i-Phones, flashing the Moon which was the closest to earth in 14 years.

I know some of these phones take nice shots when up close, but I’m not so sure about that moon shot.

The Arts Center has a new exhibition opening Saturday, March 26. The theme show, H2O, will feature both visual art and written works.

Accompanying exhibits include a display of paintings by Steven Fletcher called Scenery and Solitude.

Fletcher’s work depicts spirited scenes that often feature mountain people. Also on display will be Pointilism: Something Different, an exhibit by Nancy LaSalle.

The opening will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. and is free and open to the public. There will be refreshments and live music by Yesterday’s News of Little Falls.

Come see the new building and the works of art that will be on exhibit.

“Becoming an Outdoors-woman” is the theme of a workshop that will be coming in June, but that’s another story. See ya.

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