Just Call me Mrs. Lucky by Jan from Woodgate

What a Week! Romance, intrigue, and high-tech thrills

I am continually amazed by all that can change within a sometimes very short amount of time.

The Royal Wedding:

Prince William in England married a “regular” girl named Kate.

They make a lovely couple, have been together for some ten years or so, and there’s just a different air about her.

This is clearly no Princess Diana here, and if I were William I’d watch my step with this one. She’s a modern-day gal who no doubt will NOT tolerate royalty’s right to stray. It seems that all of the past queens and princesses were forced to turn a blind eye to infidelities, but my money’s on Kate from here on in.

Plus, they seem to be truly in love—they picked each other all by themselves, no doubt to smiley Queen E’s dismay.

I’m guessing women all over the planet debated over whether to cry in excitement at watching a real life fairy tale, or start mailing Kate Middleton death threats because they all know that they are “like, soooo much prettier than her.”

England is our biggest ally, and they just got themselves a new queen to be.

Sure, the royal family doesn’t do a whole lot of anything that matters in modern England, but they to take their royalty quite seriously.

As the world was still reeling from this excitement, along comes the topper.

Our long lost most-wanted terrorist has—supposedly—been taken out by SEAL Team 6.

Seems he’s been in plain Pakistani view for years, yet they will not admit they had any such knowledge.

We Americans, being the skeptics we are, are demanding to see the no doubt gruesome pics of the dead jerk.

True, we have tons of reasons to be so skeptical. Afterall, we’ve been lied to by so many for so long that it’s extremely difficult to keep the faith and blindly believe the media.

Ceremonious burial at sea? Really? I want, no NEED, to see how that went down.

Various images come to mind but the real deal will need to be shown.

With our President’s ratings dropping on a daily basis, and the fact that he announced his candicacy for reelection on his BFF Oprah’s talk show just days before this top secret mission was completed, it’s easy to smell a ratty little aroma wafting about.

Fact is, we’ll never know the absolute truth. The Big Fat Liars that run this country, democrats and republicans alike, will keep their filthy secrets in their inner circles until someone gets offered enough cashola to spill the nasty beans.

I can’t wait to see how this plays out.

I wish the new young Royals the very best, and hopefully the scum that was once Bin Laden is rotting on the ocean floor.

I’ll believe it when I see it…

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