Letter to the Editor Richard Risley: Family- and community-minded, an ideal candidate for Town of Webb supervisor

To the Editor:

I have known Richard Risley for five years, have listened to his thoughts and opinions and have witnessed his dedication to the Town of Webb and its communities.

Richard’s qualities include a strong work ethic and set of family values. I encourage his bid for Town Supervisor.

I see Richard as someone able to separate friendship from duty and therefore able to do what is best for the community. He would not be swayed by friendship or threat and is not afraid to make a decision despite its popularity.

Richard follows through. If asked to research or resolve an issue, you can rest assured he will do just that. It will not be postponed or swept under the rug. Richard wants what is best for the community and will work for its benefit and that alone.

Richard understands budgets, expenditures, thus ensuring fiscal responsibility and the ability to maintain a positive bottom line for the town.

In conversations with him, it is obvious he respects his fellow Town Board members and would work with them hand-in-hand to enhance our town.

Richard expects accountability and responsibility from those around him, which increases the success rate of endeavors.

I find him to be open to new ideas and opportunities that will enrich the community without taking away from the small town comfort that is felt by all who reside here.

Deb Schinsing

Clifton Springs & Old Forge

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