Town of Webb visitor office expands info offerings with new Adirondack-design, multi-media station

Publicity team coordinating walk-in site with online efforts

The Visitor Information Center in Old Forge has upgraded their self-serve information area with brochures now filling the racks of a new Adirondack style display that was designed, built and installed by Jim Kiefer of Shelter, a woodworking business based in Old Forge.

Also included is a flat-screen monitor that continually runs a video titled “The Adirondack Postcard,” which features local points of interest for visitors.

The video display was developed and installed by Bryan Hickman of the Brydan Corporation, who said he’s very pleased with the information showcase Kiefer has crafted.

“Jim has such a strong Adirondack feel,” Bryan said, noting that the wood used for the display is from an old barn and is more than 200 years old.

Mike Farmer, Town of Webb Publicity Director, said that the new display replaces the plastic racks that previously held the business and information brochures, and that it enhances the customer service the Town of Webb offers.

“This is the Adirondacks,” said Farmer, “and [the entire display package] says, ‘Adirondacks’ and will draw people to it. We don’t have a better showcase than the video, and all of the information organized in this beautiful display. We want to give people good information in a pleasing and appealing way.”

Local business owners may continue to display their brochures free of charge, he said, but they will also be able to increase their exposure on the video screen.

Bryan Hickman will contact area businesses with the details about being part of the video presentation.

“The Adirondack Postcard” is part of a DVD promotional offering that is made available by the Town of Webb, and is also available online.

Those interested in seeing how this social and sharable media is now being used by the Town of Webb Publicity Department, can visit and click on “Send our Video Postcard” located on the right side of the Home Page.

Additional information is available by contacting the Visitor Information Center at 315-369-6983.

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