Just Call me Mrs. Lucky by Jan from Woodgate


Lulled by the siren song of modern convenience Surprise! That’s the word Lucky used when he arrived home after a solo trip to Utica.

Big huge boxes were crammed into the trunk of his car and by golly it was Christmas in June here in Woodgate.

His sensitive side was clearly exposed, proving that he actually does listen when I (rarely) voice concerns/complaints.

Box #1 contained my very own, very compact, chainsaw.

I’ve never been allowed to use his boy chainsaws for obvious reasons, the first and foremost being safety.

Before My Condition was diagnosed and treated, I tended to be a tad bit spastic and therefore banned from even touching his stuff.

And of course, the biggest challenge of all-trying to start each and any piece of equipment which is all “Rocky rigged” and takes an Act of Congress at the very least to get the stupid thing going.

Whoever designed the pull cord idea hates women and wants us all to fail.

‘Lo and behold-ELECTRIC START!!! That’s right gals, battery charged, push a button, and hear it roar!!

I have proudly earned my chainsaw wings and can safely saw through mini trees and twigs in a split second.

Box #2 concealed another little gem-again my very own. A girl friendly weed whacker!!

Oh the agony of trying to hang on to that extremely unfriendly machine of his that, again, I couldn’t start.

Behold the ELECTRIC START feature on this baby-light, happy, easy to use. Thank you Honey!!!

Box #3 was the biggie. Finally, at last, my own push mower.

This one’s a far cry from last year’s purchase, which was a good-old-fashioned reel push mower.

No motor, no pull cord, just me and gravity having a swell time of it taking down the grass.

Well those days are over now cuz this brand new shiny rig is not only ELECTRIC START-able, but she’s self-propelled as well.

I can chase that baby all around the homestead now, mowing like a champ on steroids. God you should see me go-Batgirl would be proud to be my friend.

So how grateful am I? Well let’s just say this-he’s one clever dude. I couldn’t help but notice this past weekend, which was devoted entirely to yard chores, that he has totally eliminated his own participation in any standing activities.

He shoots me a cute little thumbs up as I’m pushing, cutting, and whacking, while HE cruises on by in one of his bazillion tractors.

Only one of us was sweating and I’m sure you can guess which one it was.

What a guy, right? I know you gals out there may have been quite envious at the beginning of this little rant, but, like me, you must be aware by now-I’VE BEEN DUPED!!

What have we learned?

Christmas is in December and any “gift” purchased throughout the year is a big fat fake, and don’t ever, ever fall for this scam.

You’re welcome.


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