LETTER: Forestport seeks to improve business and residential climate

The separating of the Forestport planning and codes departments was accomplished January the 6th at the Town organizational meeting.

I would like to thank the board for their understanding of the issues and their support.

This is the first important step in improving services and simplifying the application process for you and facilitating your projects.

The board is currently working on the Site Review Law to improve and clarify the language. We want to provide a more clearly defined appeals process for you if you need a variance or a special circumstance permit.

Part of the Site law pertains to the sign ordinance, and we are working on that language to provide a means for businesses on 28 to increase their sign profile in a attempt to attract business and attention on a busy highway consisting of 65 MPH traffic.

Our administration is very business friendly, and we will be looking at ways to assist our current businesses and to attract new businesses.

Part of that effort will center around the www.Forestport
Chamber.org. I will resign from the chamber’s board at the chamber board meeting next week because of conflict of interest reasons; but will continue to support their efforts.

There will be a gathering on Tuesday, January 28th at the Buffalo Head restaurant at 6:00 p.m. for business people to meet and greet and sign up if you wish.

All necessary paperwork for the Chamber has been completed.

Our Town Board Meeting is going to be held at 6:00 p.m. on January 22, and some of the issues that I anticipate will be on the docket are:

The summer recreation program, revisions to the site review law, discussions in establishing a building permit workshop and advertising campaign around the third week in February.

That should give you plenty of time to complete the application process, select a contractor, and be ready for the spring construction season.

If you are dividing your property or starting a business venture, that would probably be handled by the planning department.

Things tend to move slower through planning because of the required documentation and the scheduling of the planning board meetings.

Please come in or call so we can help you accomplish your project goals.

Thank you,

Parker Snead, Supervisor

Town of Forestport

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