Just Call me Mrs. Lucky by Jan from Woodgate

Down-on-his-luck Dan turns into perfect stranger

I’m not sure how I would’ve handled the Stranger Danger technique if our daughter had been born and raised here in Woodgate cuz let’s face it, we really don’t run into many creepy scary strangers.

Why just yesterday I was working (really hard, on my birthday thank you very much), when a young man entered Seasons Cafe with a problem.

Seems his truck had died a sudden death right on Route 28.

He thought perhaps he may have run out of diesel fuel and he resides way far away in Newcomb, so what to do?

Sometimes you just have to count on local residents for assistance, and assist we did.

There’s no doubt in my mind that once the lecture regarding “F” versus “E” on one’s gas tank ended, he was happy that he landed here.

Initially, when it was thought that this was a simple fuel issue, he approached the construction guys that we have come to know and love here in Woodgate (yay Ketco and our friends that work for the State) to ask them for some diesel fuel.

They were pleased to oblige, however it turned out that the problem was a bit more complex.

Enter tow truck.

Though several hours had passed now on a rainy yucky day for this guy who happened to be on his way to Syracuse for a trucking course-which was clearly not gonna happen-he maintained an attitude that was dignified and upbeat.

This impresses me immensely cuz I know how I’d be behaving at that point, and it’s not a pretty thought.

In my heart of hearts, and knowing myself as well as I do, there’s no doubt I would’ve been a raving maniac by that point.

Not him.

His name was Dan, and I’m here to tell ya that this particular stranger was an absolute pleasure to share a shift with.

Several cups of coffee, two pieces of Margaret’s homemade strawberry rhubarb pie followed by a delicious bowl of creamy chicken tortellini soup…

That kept him in good spirits until Mrs. Dan finally arrived to scoop him up (hour-and-a-half ride for her) and, go figure, she was just as good natured as her hubby.

They both then enjoyed a delightful lunch with us and calmly discussed the fact that his truck would remain here in Woodgate for repairs (we love you Andy), and off they went, in the downpour, back to their home.

Now we’ve all had Stranger experiences and let’s face it, they do not always pan out so well.

As soon as it’s determined that there’s no actual danger from the Stranger other factors surface…

How ’bout the annoying Stranger, who feels compelled to butt into each and every conversation?

Or the boring Stranger who is certain that his/her life story is what you’ve been dying to hear your entire life?

Or even worse, the cheap tightwad of a Stranger looking for handouts because he’s in a dilemma?

Last but not least, the angry Stranger, (yup, that would’ve been me), who paces and pouts while spewing obscenities?

Well, not our Dan. He was none of those and therefore reinforces my theory that not everyone is a jerk.

This nice young man and his lovely wife made my birthday (did I mention I was working really hard?) a special one, and I hope to see them when they return to Woodgate to celebrate a happy ending.

Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Dan-for taking the danger out of stranger!

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