Please vote, every election is important

Well, the leaves have fallen and the air is getting cooler. Another summer has passed—I hope you had a good one.

Fall brings many things, one of them is election time. There are many local names on the ballot for the Town of Webb this year, all running unopposed. I know it seems unimportant to get out and vote when that is the case, but to the candidates—at least myself—it’s nice to see your support.

There are also a number of other matters on the ballot that you should consider. For information on these propositions go to Look for proposed amendments on the 2013 ballot.

Through my three terms on the town board I have learned a lot, met many people, and every day I learn more about our community—how it works and how people feel about things.

By no means do I feel that I am right or have the perfect answer or solution every time. But I do put much thought and time into my decisions, and hopefully make the most responsible and professional decision on any given subject.

With all that said, I remind you that election day is Tuesday, November 5, and I would very much appreciate your support.

Thanks a lot,

Mike Ross

Town of Webb Councilman

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