Sherry Grimm grateful for outpouring of love…

On Sunday, September 29, I was hit head on, knocked senseless (just ask those close to me,) breathless and speechless, and wallowing in a pool of tears over the love, kindness, generosity and beauty of my family, friends and community and the Celebration of Life thrown for me.

It was truly one of the most spectacular days of my life and I truly don’t know the words to describe my gratitude and love for you all.

Best of all, you pulled it off…I had no idea what was going on. Only moments before, I was sound asleep on Raquette Lakes’s Golden Beach with my family playing around me.

Then I was gently woken by my daughter and whisked to Fern Park to drop a friend off to hike back to the house. 

Mind you, this friend could not find her way out of a bottle, and I was annoyed that we were doing this because I knew she would get lost and have to be rescued later.

As we pulled into Fern Park I noticed gobs of cars and told Heidi to hurry and get out of here pointing the way up and around everyone since I didn’t want to rain on someone else’s parade.

So, being a very dutiful and obedient daughter (ha ha) she parked by the open pavilion doors urging me to get out. Now angry, I just sat there while she came around the car and tried to pull me out saying that I should say hi to my friends.

It was then I really opened my eyes and saw all of you, and it hit me that this was for me. The dam of tears overflowed and for a moment it looked as if you were all wearing halos—and I am convinced you were.

The afternoon became a whirlwind of love, beauty, friendship, laughter, tears, great food, helping hands and sheer joy.

The piece of heaven on earth was the oak tree, rock, trail and carved sign in my honor!  God bless and thank you all. I have no words—just a heart brimming with love and gratitude.

For those of you unable to come, I missed you and thanks too.

Sherry Grimm, Inlet

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