Supervisor candidate Bob Seager would appreciate support of Forestport voters

My name is Robert Seager and I am running for Supervisor of the Town of Forestport.

I have been a full-time resident of the town since 1979, and retired from NY Telephone Company (Verizon) after 34 years of service. IMG_7661****

I was Town Supervisor in 2004 to 2005 and currently serve on the town council. I have an understanding of planning, codes and assessing community service.

I am vice president of the  Woodgate Library and Woodgate Cemetery and instruct the local AARP driving courses. I represent Oneida County on the DEC’s Open Space committee.

The future, with Nano-Tech on the horizon, Forestport could possibly see a rise in housing.

I would like to see clean-up of some rundown houses in the town. Having been codes officer I know it’s tough, but it can be done.

As I told people who signed my nominating forms, I will promise you nothing but I will work as hard as I can for you. I don’t holler and yell, but try to give everybody a chance to speak and try to go forward in a positive form.

The supervisor is only one member of the board that works together to get things done.

I will be on the Democratic and Independence lines and would appreciate your vote on November 5, 2013.

Bob Seager, Woodgate

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