Kat Forsell appointed Raquette Lake’s Winter Events Coordinator

The Town of Long Lake Parks and Recreation Department announces the appointment of Kathryn Forsell to assist as the seasonal winter events coordinator for the Hamlet of Raquette Lake.

Kat Forsell

Kat Forsell

In her new position she will work closely with Alexandra Roalsvig, Long Lake Director of Parks and Recreation, and Events Coordinator Erin Barton in planning and implementing community-based events for the winter months.

Forsell is a fourth generation Raquette Laker, having graduated from Raquette Lake Union Free School and Indian Lake Central School. She studied hotel and restaurant management in college.

She is an active volunteer with the Facebook group, “Save Town-ship 40,” advocating to resolve the Township 40 property issue for Raquette Lake, known as Prop-osition 4 on the election day ballot.

For the last two years she has volunteered as the Raquette Lake Facebook page manager. She will continue to work at the Raquette Lake Tap Room and the Eighth Lake Campground.

Forsell’s first event will be leading an informal group hike to Moss Lake on Saturday, October 19th. Participants can meet at the Moss Lake trail head on Big Moose Road at 11 a.m.

She will also be coordinating a Halloween celebration featuring a scarecrow decorating contest, a Halloween party for the kids, and a costume contest at the Tap Room.

Other ideas being considered are a bus trip to wine country, craft classes, a cooking class, and hosting two winter trivia nights in Raquette Lake. Her biggest undertaking will be organizing and coordinating the Raquette Lake Winter Carnival.

Raquette Lake community members interested in submitting ideas or volunteering should email Kat at katybug182@hotmail.com.

For more information about events call (518) 624-3077, or check out mylonglake.com or myraquettelake.com

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