Kenmore Cottages holds fun fundraiser for Strand

Andi and Ray Smith, owners of the Kenmore Cottages on Fourth Lake, had a lot of fun this summer with their guests—and at the same time helped to raise awareness and funds for the Strand Theatre’s digital conversion.

Early in the summer, when guests chose Halloween as an event theme, the Smiths dressed up as movie theater concessionaires and distributed popcorn as a treat.

Then, on August 5, members and friends of the Peter/Goss family were broken up into groups for a Minute to Win It challenge created by the Smiths—making donations to the Strand for their participation.

In the “St(r)anding Popcorn Drop” challenge, contestants had to drop popcorn kernels into a cup or bowl from shoulder height and get at least 10 in to win a ticket for a prize.

The donations will be delivered to CAP-21 to add to the Strand Theatre’s fund.

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