Tag Archives: Vona

Letter to Editor:

Drivers: Be mindful of pedestrians 

Dear Editor:

I am writing to bring up the Pedestrian Crossing program, which is a good thing but what about the jay walkers?

I come up to Old Forge four to six times a summer and I am shocked to see people crossing here, there, everywhere—trusting drivers to always be on the alert for somebody to just step out in front of them and stop immediately.

I’ve seen some who don’t hesitate. They step out and keep walking and expect the driver to see them and stop immediately. What if the driver is distracted for just a second?

That’s all it would take. It’s like driving through an obstacle course. I am very concerned as I feel it’s just a matter of time before someone gets hurt.

Isn’t there something that can be done before this happens? I know it’s a state law to stop at the designated cross walks but what about everywhere else? Drivers: beware.

Thank you,

Marilyn Vona, Minoa

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