Tag Archives: talkin’ co

Talkin’ Code with Andrew Getty

Town permission needed to sell merchandise door-to-door from a vehicle by Andrew Getty

the meat guy

Q: Who is the meat guy?

A: Simply put, someone who is driving around town, going door to door selling meat out of the back of his vehicle, without any permits issued by the town.

Q: Why does he keep coming back if he doesn’t have a permit?

A: Obviously, money. And he will keep coming back until the money flow stops, or enforcement begins.

Q: Why is this such a big deal? 

A: Because Local Law requires a Conditional Use Permit to conduct a business.

Although the town does not have a vendors permit, the local zoning regulations require Planning Board approval for any business, and this is clearly a business being operated within the town.

Q: What’s the big deal about a Planning Board permit? Why can’t anyone sell what they want, when and where they choose? Continue reading

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