Tag Archives: Molly Rodriguez

Letter to the Editor Band students appreciate Mr. Clark

Dear Editor:

I am writing in response to a little piece of news I’ve been informed of. On Wednesday, May 22, towards the end of the school day, the Town of Webb Senior Band was practicing marching around town for the Memorial Day parade. Upon returning to the school, band teacher Mr. Clark congratulated us for our good efforts at marching under the hot sun that afternoon.

Afterward, he asked us to gather around for a minute before going inside. He had some unpleasant news for us. Mr. Clark told us that he will not be here next year as our band teacher. As soon as those words left his mouth, jaws dropped and my heart sank.

Now, the official papers will say that Mr. Clark resigned. But we band students know that isn’t the truth…he was forced to resign. We’ve been told that it is because some of the higher-ups of the school do not like his way of teaching, but I am writing to defend Mr. Clark’s way of going about educating us.

How many teachers in our school teach kids, not to just want to improve, but empower their passions? How many teachers in our school not only try to teach us to put full effort into everything, but to also be kind, considerate human beings?  Continue reading

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