Tag Archives: girl scouts

Girl Scouts say thanks

The Forestport Girl Scout Troop 20002 would like to say thank you to the many people that assisted us in coming to Old Forge to sell Girl Scout cookies. We contacted the town’s Visitor Information Center and were helped by Laurie Barkauskas who was instrumental in getting us to sell cookies at Snofest.

We would also like to thank the Central Adirondack Association (CAA) with their assistance and giving us a section at the Snofest to sell our cookies.

We also sold cookies at the local Kinney Drugs and Fastrac and we would like to say THANK YOU for all their support and assistance.

The girls would also like to say thank you so much for the pizza and soda at Fastrac…it was great.

And we saved the best for last.

We would like to say thank you to the community of Old Forge for buying our cookies. It is so great to see communities come together for the sake of the children.

We are excited to have met our goals and are happy to say that in August we will be going to Canada for four days.

So again, thank you all for all your support.

Elizabeth Abelbeck

Girl Scout Leader, Forestport

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