Tag Archives: colum

Talkin’ Code With Andrew Getty

Last week: Lots of lots… this week, lots of confusion!

Lots of confusion

Last week’s Talking Code article was about what is a lot, a parcel of land, how to define it and how to determine its size or shape.

Different types of lots were discussed.

Things like shoreline, road side, front yard, rear yard, side yard, width, area, streetfront and lot lines all have definitions in the Town of Webb Zoning Ordinance.

Those definitions were shown, word for word, straight from the Town’s Zoning Ordinance.

During this past week, after the publication of The Weekly Adirondack, this office received several calls regarding the article on lots.

Each and every question was relative to the definition of lot width along the shoreline.

The callers all said that their property assessment showed much more shoreline than what would be considered shoreline based on the Town’s own definition of a shoreline.

“Based on the Town’s definition of shoreline I only have 100 feet. But the Assessor’s office says I have almost 200 feet and I’m taxed on that. How could this be?”

Back in July of this year, a Talking Code article was all about how Codes and Assessments impact each other.

And they do, in some ways… they almost have to.  Continue reading

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