Daily Archives: September 3, 2015

Card of thanks

Thanks WPOA for the excellent setting you provided for the “Meet the Candidates Night” on Tuesday, September 1.

It was a fantastic venue for the public to hear from the candidates for the upcoming primary on September 10th and November general election.

The professionalism of the mediator and staff made the event run smoothly.

A special thanks to those that made the cookies and other goodies you provided…they were wonderful.

Once again thank you for your efforts!


Bill Brooker

Candidate for 

Town of Webb Council

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Will Johnson says thanks

I wanted to thank the Otter Lake Association, the Town of Webb Health Center Fund, and the LB and PJ Harney Scholarship fund for scholarships to put towards my education at Clarkson University. It means a lot to know that there are organizations and groups that want to help college students like myself continue their education.

College is expensive so it is great that there is help for students.  Continue reading

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Norman Goldstein: Memorial tribute to a 90-Miler veteran

Norm at the finish of his 90-mile canoe race, September 2014

Norm at the finish of his 90-mile canoe race, September 2014

Norman Harold Goldstein—veterinarian, outdoorsman, father, grandfather, brother, husband and optimist—passed away at the home he shared with his wife, Georgia Stormes, overlooking Otisco Lake on June 13, 2015. He was 77 years old.

Born and raised in Syracuse, Norm quickly showed his passion for the wilderness and animals. He climbed Mount Marcy as a boy, beginning a long relationship with the Adirondack waters and woods.  Continue reading

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