Monthly Archives: June 2013

Camp Gorham supports Strand

In recognition of all that the Strand Theatre has done to support its campers, Camp Gorham has donated a two-week camp session for the 90th Anniversary Gala to be held on July 25th.

Executive Director Anne Thornton presented CAP-21 Director Nick Rose with the session certificate which is valued at $1,200.

“Both the YMCA and the Strand are focused on supporting and engaging the youth of our communities,” Thornton said.

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Talkin’ Code with Andrew Getty

Busy season for code violation complaints, many repeaters

Just another couple weeks

The number of violations being cited by the code office in the last few weeks seems to be more than normal.

Most of them are “repeaters,” meaning that the same, or very similar issue, had been dealt with not too long is the past with the same people.

Some of these are based on complaints; others were discovered through the regular daily activity of the staff.

Just as an example of some of the violations being handled, here is a partial list, without specific locations:  Continue reading

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAJim Tille, past commander of Old Forge VFW Post 9314, left, and present Commander Bill Ransom, right, dropped by the Strand Theatre this week to deliver a donation of $500 to theater co-owner Bob Card to assist with the costs related to the theater’s digital conversion. Courtesy photo

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Growing up Adirondack by Mitch Lee

Making the best of a summer run of cold, wet weather

It was another cool and rainy summer day and myself and the rest of the Limekiln Lake gang of kids were stuck inside playing board games and cards waiting out the washout.

I sometimes liked a good rain-filled day, but four days in a row without any swimming or playing kick the can was getting a little old.

When I  got up that morning the lawn was completely shrouded in fog so there was no way for me to determine if the sky was dark and gloomy.

I poked my head out on the back porch to see if my sneakers had dried from the day before.

Not only were they wet, but one had a giant orange slug creeping along on it leaving a gooey trail behind. Continue reading

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Sherm_Lorrie SkinnerNiccolls Church will recognize the Reverends Sherman and Lorraine Skinner for their years of service to the congregation and community at a celebration to be held on Sunday, June 23 during the 10 a.m. worship service.

After 71 years of combined ministry in New York, Ohio, and New Jersey, the Skinners  retired to Inlet in 2000.

Soon, they became active members of the Niccolls Church choir and stepped into the role of temporary supply pastors in the interim between the retirement of Jim Ulrich and call of Lawrence Bartel. Continue reading

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Just Call me Mrs. Lucky by Jan from Woodgate

If you’re Lucky—it’ll all come out in the wash

In my opinion, interviewers have the best job. One of my very favorite activities includes spontaneous questions randomly flung out to unsuspecting targets—oops, I mean men. This week’s topic revolved around a common household chore called laundry.

Unfortunately my training (or lack thereof) skills have not expanded to include my husband in this particular chore, until very recently.

He was completely unaware of the Four Step Process that results in his nice clean undies eventually landing in his happy little undie drawer.

So I had no choice in these busy summer months but to initiate a training seminar, therefore bidding adieu to the ever present Laundry Fairy with whom he has resided for almost thirty delightful years.

Our first session was not successful, to say the least. He managed to actuallyload his work duds into he washing machine, adding an appropriate cupful of Tide. Oh, how I praised him!!!   Continue reading

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Industrious loons adding to nests to combat rising waters

Mr. Snyder and his seed planter

Mr. Snyder and his seed planter

Fawn in Big Moose. Photo by Diane Bowes

Fawn in Big Moose. Photo by Diane Bowes

The swamps are full, the streams are full, and the bog is full of water too. I have to apologize to those who showed up for my Ferd’s Bog hike on Friday, June 14 as I was a no show. I was there on Saturday, June 15 and wondered why there were no people for the hike.

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