Just Call me Mrs. Lucky by Jan from Woodgate

Honk if you have a hard time with your car manual

Thank goodness for car washing weather! During the winter months I’m forced to spend tons of dollars inching my way through automatic car wash facilities. I simply cannot tolerate a dirty vehicle, inside or out.

As soon as the hose is pliable (as in unfrozen) nce again, the driveway cleaning commences. This should be such a simple procedure, and the actual acuuming/wiping/exterior washing is indeed simple. It’s the aftermath that always gets me.

When I first started driving back in the Stone Age, the instrument panel of dad’s vehicle was pretty forthright. If the needle for the gas tank hit “E” you knew immediately that the danger of running out of fuel was imminent.

In the event the oil was low, well by golly on came a simple little light that said, clearly, OIL.

Not the case these days. ne needs some type of instrument panel degree to decipher the hieroglyphics that the genius car makers now install. And quite frankly, I’m just not qualified to interpret this nonsense.

Luckily, Ruby the Rogue, manufactured in ‘08, is fairly simple, but each and every time I crub her up  snafu occurs. ome silly button or gadget that I had no idea even existed starts a-blinkin’ or beeping and the agony of not knowing what went wrong begins.

One time I nknowingly drove with the hazard lights on for hours…didn’t know how to make ‘em stop. eck, I don’t even change the time on the clock by myself. Hey, I can easily add or subtract an hour to compensate for the daylight savings time stupidity.

Really? he manual—AGAIN???

Always the exclamation point, which one would naturally assume is some type of emergency. But nooooo. After careful consultation the owner’s manual informs me that my tires need air.

So why then can’t you designer folks just use your words? hy the vague pictures that could mean, virtually ANYTHING?

The way I see it, cars age similarly to dogs—the depreciation value is equivalent to the seven-year formula. o technically, right now Ruby is around 35, and that works just fine for me. nything newer would totally baffle me.

You folks can keep your fancy panels—have a blast with the manual. Never mind texting and driving, where’s the ticket for distraction by instrument panel? I can’t even use my tom-tom directional device while driving without clipping a guardrail, so clearly the rest is out of the question.

Long live Ruby—we will grow old and simple together. f you see us on the road with some funky blinking thing going on, please just disregard us. No doubt I’ve just cleaned her up and in a few days ne of my ear friends will igure out how to make it stop.

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