Letter to the Editor: Why stop at guns, so many dangers exist?

To the Editor:

This is a response to the article, “How best to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and others’ loved ones” that appeared in the issue of March 7, 2013.

How to protect the lives of those who enjoy our winter trails. Let’s apply the thinking of gun control to winter snowmobile trail safety.

Unfortunately, snowmobile violent trail deaths have occurred in our state from a yearly maximum of 26 deaths to an average rate of over 17 trail deaths per year from 2000 to 2010. Forty-three percent of them are related to excessive alcohol consumption and 57% to excessive speed.

The victims are normally the owners of the sleds. The maximum sled speed in New York state is 55 mph while a standard sled can max out at between 90 and 105 mph.

The Town of Webb will issue in excess of 12,000 trail permits this season. Almost 90,000 snowmobiles were registered in New York State last year. Approximately a dozen people will die this season.

A typical New York State anti-gun mentality legislature would recommend the following to prevent these violent deaths:

1. Make it illegal to own any snowmobile capable of exceeding 55 mph.

2. Require a minimum age of 18 for sled operators.

3. Require personal injury insurance of not less than $500,000 for potential sled victims.

4. Do a background check on all potential and current sled owners for DWI automobile violations which would automatically prevent them from registering their sleds.

5. Require a 40-hour State Police trail safety course to be taken every 5 years.

6. Require fingerprint ignition systems which would prevent operation by non-sled owners.

7. Increase the fines and jail terms for operating a sled under the influence of alcohol or at excessive speeds over 55 mph.

Why allow a citizen to own a sled with the capability and the destructive power that is only required by a law enforcement officer? Why sacrifice yearly the lives of dozens of citizens merely to allow a few to “exercise their God given rights of freedom?”

Are the above recommendations useful in preventing trail deaths? Yes. Should we do everything possible to prevent trail deaths? Yes. Is the state government responsible for the safety of its citizens? Yes.

If the new New York State regulations for gun control are fair for its citizens then these proposed snowmobile regulations are also fair for its citizens.

Clay Luce, Old Forge

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