Just Call me Mrs. Lucky by Jan from Woodgate

Leave the rough winters to the well-seasoned Upstate NYers

Okay southern New England and downstate New York, we get it. Indeed, you got dumped on this past weekend with some snow accumulation totals of 30 inches or more in spots.

But it’s your attitudes that seem to infuriate me the most—like you’re the first folks to get snowed on…ever.

Your pain and discomfort is trumped up to incredible notches and quite frankly, we who live in upstate New York just don’t care. And we may even laugh at you—a lot.

Let the record show that I’m not just picking on strangers here. My very own beloved family is included in this slapdown.

They all started immediately emailing me pics of their buried vehicles with crybaby little captions like, Can you see this?, with  only the tip of the rear view mirror  showing—waaaaahhh!”

Thank the good Lord that I do not expose myself to Facecrap anymore because I just know I would’ve lost my, er—stuff.

Just the one wee vision of the stranded vehicles on the Long Island Expressway that I saw on the news sent the old blood pressure a’soarin’. These people are idiots and should be fined accordingly.

This storm was no surprise folks, you were told, over and over again, to STAY THE HELL HOME!!!

But nooooooo….your citiot lives are so important that you will risk life and limb—not only your own, cuz some poor rescue guy’s gonna have to come and save your sorry butt—to accomplish what?  


Yup—fine ‘em I say. In addition to the tow fee there should be a healthy little “you are stupid fine”—payable when you show up to reclaim your vehicle.

Those funds should then be divvied up amongst the plow guys who had to try to maneuver around your stranded vehicle, thus messing things up and making their jobs that much more difficult.

And how ‘bout the emergency sales of all things snow related?

Awww c’mon people, it’s February! Can you honestly admit that up until now you did not own a single SHOVEL?  How can this be?

The only possible answer is, admittedly, our new fall guy Mr. Global Warming. They’ve gotten soft down there, and are no longer used to snow.

The New England winters of old were substantial—I recall them fondly. Of course, I was just a kid and the piles of white stuff meant playtime only to me so of course I always loved it. The actual removal of the snow was dad’s issue and of no concern to us kids.

It’s amazing to me that the state of Connecticut has probably used some 10 or so snowdays to date, not counting the delays and early dismissals.

Right now, Tuesday, FOUR DAYS after the storm, there are still tons of streets that have yet to be plowed.

What kind of equipment are they using-or not using—down there? How can they be so totally inept?

I’m guessing that with the lack of experience in snow removal the plow drivers just can’t make stuff happen like they can up here.

Kudos to our town and state operators—you guys rock and I totally appreciate your dedication and experience.

As for you flatlanders, keep your pics to yourselves because hey, we totally know what snow looks like, and quite frankly, we’re not impressed, or sympathetic, or ANYthing.

We just keep on shovelin’ up here—minus all the moaning and groaning. But hey, thanks for the free entertainment!

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