Pink Ribbon event raises over $40K

The Pink Ribbon Riders held their annual New York Snow Run event at the George T. Hiltebrant Recreation Center over the weekend of February 8 and 9.

Town of Webb Supervisor Ted Riehle, Town Clerk Nanci Russell, and Town of Webb Police Chief John Russell all attended and spoke at the event.

The event raised over $40,000 for breast cancer research and aid.

Proceeds of the event currently benefit cancer victims from out of town, according to Supervisor Riehle, but it is his hope that next year’s event will include more local involvement.

The Pink Ribbon Riders provide financial assistance to both men and women diagnosed with breast cancer. Throughout the year, the PRR host a variety of events in seven states and in Canada to help raise money for their cause.

Funds raised are distributed through an assistance program that is made available to male and female patients. Patients who apply and meet all requirements receive gift cards of $500 that can be used for medical bills, housing costs, food, and any other needs.

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