Lotto Calendar sales to support KYAC

Mike Griffin, president of the Kommunity Youth and Activity Center (KYAC) located at the North Woods Community Center in Old Forge, has announced that the organization will be conducting sales of a 2013 Lotto calendar. Proceeds from the fundraising effort will benefit the operations of KYAC.

The 2013 Lotto calendars are numbered from 001 to 999 and are available for $20. Each day of the year a $20 prize will be awarded if your number is selected in the New York Lottery drawing.

On holidays, the prize is increased to $50.

You may win multiple times during the year.

KYAC will monitor the daily Lotto drawing and will be responsible for distributing the prize awards to the individuals holding the selected number.

Anyone interested in purchasing a calendar either for themselves or as a gift can call KYAC at (315) 369-6750 (leave a message), or email Annette Mahoney at

Calendars are also available from any KYAC board member.

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