Hanukkah gets underway: The Festival of Lights

IMG_2131***Hanukkah 2012 began at sundown on Saturday, December 8, and lasts for eight days.  Called “The Festival of Lights” or “Feast of Dedication,” Hanukkah celebrates the rededication of the temple in Jerusalem after the Maccabees reclaimed it.

Greco-Syrian invaders had “set up camp” in the temple and made it unclean with installation of a statue of their god, Zeus, and sacrificed pigs which are unclean in Jewish tradition.

After a long, drawn-out battle, the Israelites celebrated their return to the temple.  The temple menorah or candelabra was lit, with only enough oil to last one day. New ceremonial oil had to be prepared, which was a time-consuming process.

Miraculously, the oil lasted for eight days, until new oil was ready for use.

Thus, the Hanukkah celebration lasts for eight days. Hanukkiot, or special Hanukkah menorahs, are lit each night, with an additional candle added each night of the holiday.

Foods like donuts and latkes, or potato pancakes, cooked in oil are eaten to remind us of the miracle of the oil.

They are especially popular with sour cream and/or applesauce served on top.

Children play Dreidel—spinning tops with Hebrew letters on each side.

Depending on which letter their spin lands on, they may win or lose chocolate “gelt” coins.

Children usually receive a small present each night of Hanukkah, and songs are sung about the holiday along with the candle lighting.

Hanukkah Semeach is Hebrew for Happy Hanukkah!

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