LETTER: Twin Bridges need ‘yes’ votes from Town of Forestport

To the Editor:

It’s now or never. You might think I am talking about an Elvis Presley tune. To be perfectly honest, I wish I was.

I am referring to the important special vote on the Twin Bridges. Actually, I call it the Troubled Bridges over Calm Water.

If you are qualified to vote in this SPECIAL TOWN ELECTION, I urge you to consider the long-lasting implications.

I am about to give you my take on this issue which appears to have divided the Town that I love. And it is true that I might be considered a bit biased as I live close to the bridges and have inherited a business and rental properties in “downtown” Forestport.

I’ve done some homework on the subject and attended several Town Board Meetings. I’ve talked to several Board Members to get their opinion and I’ve read a lot of public documents.

Everything I’ve read and heard has re-affirmed my position.

A NO vote is a NEVER vote. Those bridges will never be replaced, and in fact the State of NY may even remove them permanently.

Let us consider the consequences of that… Trail 7 ends at the bridges with no way to cross….the end of bridge service that was intact for over 100 years… no alternate way to get around if anything happens to the Route 28 Bridge.Many of us have been working hard to encourage kayaking, canoeing and our waterfront resources to make Forestport a recreational destination. From my research, I learned that the Town is working on obtaining grant money to do just that.

The orange snow-fencing that blocks our bridges from traffic is not very appealing to this cause. Why continue that effort?

Take for example the recent quote in September 6th edition of the Boonville Herald… Interim Town assessor Dean Burth is quoted as saying, “Most homes in the township are valued in the $200,000 to $250,000 range.”

According to my research, there are 3,313 taxable parcels in the Town of Forestport with a total value of $251,752,600. If you do the math (and I did), the AVERAGE value of each parcel is $76,000.

When I look around my neighborhood and the DOWNTOWN part of Forestport, we are a far cry from the quarter million value Burth quotes. I know lakefront and waterfront properties are an exception. But even so, their “tax would be $30 a year more“ with the passage of the bill, according to Burth’s figures.

So to me it will be $8.40 a year based on my $70,000 property assessment. What price do you put on safety, beauty, commerce, and the preservation of bridges that have serviced us for over 100 years??

I also am puzzled by some elected officials declaring their position to this vote by the use of bumper stickers. Shouldn’t they stay neutral and let the voters decide? If I am correct, Article XI of the NY State Constitution mandates elected officials to stay neutral and not try to sway the vote one way or another.

And shouldn’t all the TAX-PAYERS have a voice in this decision? Currently only those who are registered to vote are able to voice their written opinion. I know of many who want to express their opinion that will be left out of this important decision-making.

In fact, there may be no need for a tax increase. Again my research led me to discover that the sales tax revenue is greater than anticipated—to the tune of about $213,000 and the current trend is to continue to be ahead of the figure budgeted.

Home-building is on the upswing in this area which would increase the tax base. This is a desirable place to live when you subtract the politics. It is my understanding that this additional sales tax could be diverted to pay for the bridge payments so that the tax increase would not even be needed. In fact, the first payment will be due in 2014. If we have another mild winter, extra monies could be diverted that way too.


If we miss this 5-year window of doing something with the bridges we will lose the “grandfathering” ability to replace them. The first paragraph of ANY grant is that the vast majority of the townspeople support the project. A NO vote will end any grant possibility for the future.


At one Town Board Meeting, I had to ask the question four times before I got the answer that the current grant was denied.


Our bridges  are in deplorable condition. I am sure that no one will want to assume any liability for letting snowmobilers use Trail 7 over the bridges as they stand. Just go look at the left arm from the Dutch Hill side—you can see daylight inside and out.


EVERY VOTE counts…..Your decision for or against will effect the future of Forestport for the next 100 years. Find out ALL the facts.


And of course, my vote is YES. That’s a no-brainer for me. I am so tired of taking my life in my hands as I turn onto Route 28 or back on Dutch Hill. It is only a matter of time before a serious accident happens.


You can vote at the Forestport Town Hall or Woodgate Fire Department from noon to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, September 18th. I urge you to do so.


Jeannie Wolcott, Forestport

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