Talkin’ Code with Andrew Getty

Lots of questions on lots—Here are some answers

Lot Questions

Recently there seems to have been a lot of questions about “lots.” As taken straight out of the Town of Webb’s Zoning Ordinance, here are the definitions for a lot, how to determine its width, length and shoreline.

Also, all the definitions for front, side and rear yards.

When planning your addition, new home, potential sale of a portion of another lot, these definitions will help in that planning process.

Call the code office for more specific dimensional criteria, because that will change from one zoning district to another.

LOT: A land area considered as a unit, occupied or capable of being occupied by a principal building or use and accessory buildings or uses, or by a group of buildings united by a common use or interest, including yards and other open space in accordance with the requirements of this Ordinance.

LOT AREA: The total land area measured in square feet and/or acres included within a lot or a portion of a lot for purposes of any determinations and classifications made under this Ordinance.

LOT LINE: A boundary defining ownership of land as derived from deeds, maps, or other title instruments; and any line dividing a lot from another lot and from an established street right-of-way or shoreline.

Lot lines shall be classified as front, rear, and side lot lines as hereinafter defined.Where the application of such classifications cannot be made with certainty, the Enforcement Officer shall render a determination establishing an appropriate classification for purposes of considering and permitting land use under this Ordinance.

LOT LINE, FRONT: A lot line coincident with a street or highway right-of-way line (streetfront), and a lot line coincident with a shoreline.

All such lot lines are front lot lines, except that if a lot has both streetfront and shoreline, the shoreline shall be treated as the front lot line and the streetfront shall be treated as the rear lot line.

If a lot does not have either a streetfront or shoreline, the front lot line shall be designated by an applicant, subject to a determination by the Code Enforcement Officer noted under Lot Line above.

LOT LINE, REAR: A lot line generally parallel and opposite to the front lot line.

LOT LINE, SIDE: A lot line extending between the front lot line and the rear lot line.

LOT WIDTH, STREET: The distance between side lot lines measured along a line which is a consistent distance from the front lot line equal to the minimum front yard dimension required for use.

LOT WIDTH, SHORELINE: The distance between side lot lines measured along a straight line connecting the side lot lines, which line is at right angles to the shortest side lot line where said side lot line intersects the shoreline.

YARD, FRONT (STREETFRONT YARD; SHORELINE YARD): An open space on the same lot with the building or use and extending the full width of the lot between a streetfront and the closest line of the principal building or use (streetfront yard), or between a shoreline and the closest line of the principal building or use (shoreline yard).

YARD, REAR: An open space on the same lot with the building or use extending the full width of the lot between the rear line of the lot and the closest line of the principal building or use.

YARD, SIDE: An open space on the same lot with the building or use situated between a side lot line and the closest line of the principal building or use extending from the front yard line to the rear yard line.

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