Youth Olympics take place at Mitchells’ Okara Lake home

Holding their Olympic flags from left: Meg Ruben, Emma Ruben, Sara Godleski, Mary Grace Godleski, Brianna Sexton, Keean Sexton, and Michael Godleski. Holding the Olympic backdrop at left is Renee Sexton and Karen Mitchel Ruben, on right. Photos by Carol Hansen.

The grandchildren and other young relatives of George and Lorraine Mitchell participated in a series of Children’s Summer Olympics events on the lawn of their Okara Lake home on Monday, July 30th.

On display was a canvas backdrop emblazoned with the Olympic circles that was painted by the kids the previous day.

The young athletes, each carrying a flag of the country they represented, marched around the house during the Opening Ceremony with Olympic music playing in the background.

Prior to the commencement of the games they stood in allegiance to a recording of the national anthem sung by Whitney Houston.

From left, Mary Grace Godleski with her silber medal, Brianna Sexton with the gold medal, and Sarah Godleski with the bronze medal. Photos by Carol Hansen.

Events included a race with a balloon held between their knees, a three-legged race, a Big Pot Toss, a race with two kids holding a stuffed animal between their bellies, a bear race on all fours, and a water balloon time bomb.

The games began around 11 a.m., followed by a break for lunch and a cool-off in the lake.

The games ended in mid-afternoon with awards and closing ceremonies.

The idea for the Olympics was conceived by the Mitchells’ daughter, Karen Mitchell Ruben of Burlington, VT, with assistance by cousin, ReneĆ© Sexton.

The Godleski youngsters are the children of Kasha Mitchell Godleski of Syracuse.

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