Just Call me Mrs. Lucky by Jan From Woodgate

The Olympic ‘Games’: World comes together for some sporting fun

Just how did the Olympic “Games” get started?

Well, it was way back in 776 BC, when someone in Greece decided that competition was healthy, and they took place on Mt. Olympus, the highest mountain in mainland Greece.

The Olympic Flame, however, wasn’t inaugerated until 1932 during the games in Los Angeles.

Seems we Americans have been passing the torch ever since.

So here we are now, 2012, with many of us watching these amazing athletes compete in one of the largest cities of the world.

And how have we evolved?

Well, let’s take a peek at London’s preparations for these “games.” After determining the required seating, bathrooms, and other accomodations, they got serious.• Surface to air missiles. Right on top of apartment buildings. Gee, how ’bout THAT fallout? In the event one of those babies had to be launched I’m guessing your living room wouldn’t be quite so comfy, couch in flames and all. But nothing says “safe city” like transforming roofs into launch pads.

• Troops, and more troops. 13,500 troops were deployed in London to ensure the safety of the people, which just happens to be 4,000 more troops than were on the ground in Afghanistan in 2011. We’re not talking National Guard type guys-these are the Royal Marines.

• The Wall. The Olympic Stadium is now surrounded by a Wall, which one might say is “just a wall,” right? Right. Except it’s 11 miles long. And it’s electrified, so should you happen to brush it you are welcomed to the Games by a 5,000 volt shock. Doesn’t much exude the Olympic spirit of nations crossing borders and coming together as one world community.

• Technology. High tech surveillance cameras, thermal imaging stuff, and one for every 14 people. Not to mention the highly trained dog teams, U.S. diplomats, and tons of FBI on board.

Now, I’m as impressed by the mad skills of these athletes as you are. However, we must remind ourselves that this is what they DO. Every day, for years and years, while we’re toiling at our jobs, they are training for the Big Game. Must be nice not to need all those paychecks. Just sayin.

And since we’ve now brought up the issue of money I can’t help but wonder what the total cost of just the opening ceremony adds up to. I’m guessing that many, many hungry mouths could’ve been fed in lieu of all that glitter, except, of course, for the fake queen skydiver, whom I’m told was a volunteer. Funny folks, those Brits.

Not to worry World, clearly we’re not short on cash. Afterall, it’s only a “game”…

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