Card of thanks

On February 27, my husband Scott passed away due to complications from a fall.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who were there for me—Dr. Socash and the staff at the Health Center, the ambulance crew, Dave Berk-stresser and Peter Ferris.

I especially want to thank Dave who would not leave my side until family arrived; Jim and Diana Huss for giving up their planned High Peaks hike to stay with me; George and Becky; and my family on both the McCurn and Stuart sides.

Scott truly loved this area. He gave very generously to the community, however, he got back much more than he gave. He was always happiest when he was here.

He was a creature of habit, starting every day with breakfast in his corner chair at the Tamarack Café. Then, taking his dogs on his errand runs and spending the rest of the day on the dock directing activities. And no matter what, he always ended his day with a late afternoon nap.

Cazenovia was where our house was, but Inlet has become our home. I can’t thank you all enough for the love and support given to me during these difficult times.

I, like Scott, am happiest when here. I feel truly blessed to be living here and to have all the wonderful people in my life.

Thank you.

Penny Stuart, Inlet

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