Ask Rosy Rox

Study time is never wasted, even when the material absorbs slowly Hey this is Rosy RoX, the girl around town, in the know and here to answer your questions.

So, bring them on, along with your problems, at:

Rosy’s Random Review:The Avengers, the number one movie worldwide, is currently playing at the Strand Theatre in Old Forge. I’m sure most fans of Marvel Comics already know that the film brings all the greatest comic heroes together to save the world.

Though the only heroes in the movie I was familiar with were the Hulk and Iron Man, I have to admit it definitely had its good moments. It was hilarious at times too. I’ve never been one to laugh out loud at movies, but this one had me.

And I admire that the director brought in the actors who originally portrayed the characters to star in this film, like Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, Chris Evans as Captain America, and Chris Hemsworth as Thor.

Dark Shadows… So I’ve waited forever to see Tim Burton’s new release, “Dark Shadows”, starring super incredible actor, Johnny Depp. The movie is inspired by the popular 1960’s soap opera series. I know the series was loved by adults, and though I never saw it myself, I must say that I really liked the movie.

In typical Tim Burton style, from scene to scene he switches from fright to humor—which ultimately made the film more funny than it was scary.

Dear Rosy RoX,

Final testing is coming up, but I feel like I’m going to fail. I try to study, but I just can’t concentrate and I don’t think I can remember it all. What do I do?

Freaked Out in Old Forge

Dear Freaked Out,

This is going to annoy you when I say this, but just study. Lock yourself up in your room and study. Don’t do it in study hall, during classes, while watching TV, or with friends.

You may not realize it, but those situations are distracting to you. You need to be by yourself in a quiet room. That will let you really focus on what you’re doing. Good luck studying!—

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