LETTER: Marge Bonnett—A small yet remarkable force, and a friend

To the Editor: I was saddened this week over the passing of Marge Bonnett. My introduction occurred roughly in 2005 during my tenure as President of the Okara Lakes Association.

A handwritten letter from Florida arrived informing me that the residents of the Okara Lakes were misrepresented in the phone book. At issue was the misspelling of the Indian name “Okara.”

Prior to that particular year, addresses had been correct but were now spelled with an apostrophe changing it to O’Kara creating a more Irish than Indian appearance. I was challenged, as President, to investigate this.Her very pleasant and convincing letter motivated me to contact the phone company making inquires specifically asking them to correct the error. I was informed that the addresses could not be changed without permission from individual property owners. I pointed out that the correct spelling had been used in the past and asked if residents had called to request the misspelling.

I reported to Marge, by phone, that my attempts had been frustrating. Her reaction was like putting a match to a fuse charging me to write a letter to the editor of the paper. So I submitted a tongue and cheek letter poking some fun at the phone company and suggesting that the Okara Indians must have really been Irish.

The letter provided a surprising and positive outcome with an assurance that the correction would be made in the next printing. The following year she reported to me that there was still one error—never believe that Marge didn’t follow up on a mission!

Shorty after her return to Old Forge, I had the pleasure of meeting Marge in person! A small, yet remarkable force that I have considered a friend ever since.

As I have read in our papers, she is responsible for many positive changes in our community and waterways. A woman with drive and spirit—a person I will not forget and will always admire.

St. Peter, those Pearly Gates had better not squeak!

John Munyan Okara Lakes

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